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2011년 2월 27일 일요일

Media Log #3


This youtube video is about a korean singer palgiarised a pop song. The korean singer is called G-Ddragon and he palgirised songs from Flo Ride. This was a big issue from Korea when it first appeared, but at last, nobody knew it was a actural palgirism or not because some part was very similar and some part was not. I wish this kind of issues does not appears anymore and music industry goes calm and peacefully.

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  1. This youtube video is about a korean singer palgiarised a pop song. The korean singer is called G-Ddragon and he palgirised songs from Flo Ride. This was a big issue from Korea when it first appeared, but at last, nobody knew it was a actural palgirism or not because some part was very similar and some part was not. I wish this kind of issues does not appears anymore and music industry goes calm and peacefully.
